"At times you have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself." Alan Alda
A few days ago it hit me! I know it is obvious but I realized the word itself "intuition" gives the answer! In-tuition - inner teacher, the wise man/woman in everyone of us! Walking my dog, I was thinking how easily we give up the wisdom that resides within. We acknowledge and accept people with skills, gifts, and abilities to teach us, heal us, or give us the answers. We empower them and humble ourselves or even worse, inflate our own knowledge and knowing and thus separate ourselves from others.
I guess it is good to remember we all have that same spark within, the very same teacher, sharing the same profound wisdom. Everyone's journey is different and everyone needs different tools and that's why our inner teacher provides us with different teachings and opportunities.
One night when I thought the way was definitely lost in darkness, I sat and cried in my bedroom. It was then when I first heard her talking to me. She used different words, words she knew I would understand and accept. She used the language I never had to learn, yet never really used before. A year later, out of all the twists and turns she took me to and guided me through, a book came to life, I got some answers and the imprint of joy in my life!
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