Sunday, 31 August 2014

On dreams

"Where love is deep, much can be accomplished."  Shinichi Suzuki

When was the last time you had a dream? A dream that, no matter how small or big, came true. A dream that is now a part of your reality or a living piece of your memory.

The dreams we dream while we are awake! The dreams that direct our lives and provide fulfillment when they are born, long before they come true! This is important! A dream becomes a miracle the moment it is born, its manifestation is then just a matter of love (and freedom) we give it.

I wondered why there is the same word describing something we experience uncounsciously during our sleep and a desire, longing, calling of our soul that is very present in our lives whether we sleep or not. I still wonder and I still don't have an answer but it seems the mind work, confusion and doubts arise to accompany such birth. For a while...

The heart plays a significant role in that all however. The heart - the centre of our life, soul, and potential to create the world we live in. And so when the mind is silenced, the heart takes over gently and quietly. It does not use loud words or arguments. It "just" makes us feel alive! Without words or thoughts, it tells the right from wrong. And we need to learn how to listen to that silence. Dreams are born of it!

"It is amazing thing about being human that we can feel something inside and then build it in the world. It seems we have this inborn need to love and create." Mark Nepo

Dreams always sprout in our hearts, from the seeds of love. If we water and nurture them, they take roots and outgrow our whole being, emerging through us to our reality and become a physical part of it. And sometimes, they even reach others so we can sow the seeds of love in them too. 

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